The Cass' fight to stay in the heart of London is symptomatic of the marginalisation of Britain's art schools
Ken Worpole talks about the relationship between East London and Essex at Doughnut 2015
Two London-based designers-cum-critics have crowdfunded a new architecture magazine, the Real Review. Phineas Harper discusses the publication with founders Jack Self and Shumi Bose
19 December
Free AF members' tour of new meeting and performance spaces created in the crypt of Nicholas Hawksmoor's masterpiece
A short documentary explores how architecture can straddle multiple identities
13 January
The design duo’s playful and poetic experiments in moving image, celebrated through an evening of rare and renowned works from the archives followed by discussion.
From #Zahagate to High Rise to the Real Review, the AF presents a critical digest of the issues, ideas and arguments which have recently occupied architecture's collective consciousness
28 November
Free tour of the 2015 Stirling Prize winning scheme for AF Members led by AHMM
5 November
The first in a series of debates rugby tackling six fundamental issues facing contemporary practice