What's all this then?
The Architecture Foundation has created the first comprehensive survey of masters-level architectural design teaching in London. We've aggregated every Part 2 unit into a single searchable database. All across the city amazing architecture tutors and students are exploring questions about the future of the capital and beyond. However, until now it has been impossible to understand the scope of that research prior to the end of year exhibitions by which time the opportunity for cross-pollination of ideas, collaboration and dialogue has passed.
We hope that in creating this database we can help tutors and students foster connections beyond the usual institutional silos. Even something as simple as two units who are looking at the same site coming together for a day of shared crits could be an eye-opening and productive experiment. Over time we hope to evolve this project and are keen to collaborate with others to make that happen. If you like the project and think you can help then please get in touch with Phineas Harper on phineas@architecturefoundation.org.uk.
Why does the database only feature London units?
The Architecture Foundation is a small charity focused on the built environment in London so we started here. At present the database only includes the London schools, in large part because we lack the resources to spread the net wider. The hope is that next year we can find the support and funding to develop the capacity for individual schools to upload their own data across the country.
Why does the database only have Part 2 units?
If this pilot is successful we would like to evolve the database to include Part 1 students and tutors also. However there are significantly more Part 1 than Part 2 students and many architecture schools do not use a unit system in Part 1. For this first iteration of the project we have therefore chosen to focus on Part 2.
Is it just a digital project?
No. We see the database as a digital tool to enable other kinds of interaction such as shared crits, joint walking tours, collaborative exhibitions and potentially more. To get the ball rolling, The Architecture Foundation is organising a series of Mega Crits at the Royal College of Art using the database to bring together clusters of units exploring related issues.
Isn't focusing on the unit system reductive? Not every school uses a unit system.
Many London architecture schools organise their design modules in some form of unit structure for Part 2 but this is not the only teaching method out there. We have tried to tweak the way we show information about each architecture school to fit their individual pedagogy. For example, Central Saint Martins teaches two-semester studios in 4th year, which are listed as separate entries, while their 5th year design module in which students can choose their own theme is listed as a stand-alone entry.
My unit is missing
If you teach in or are a student in a London-based Part 2 unit which is not listed here then please get in touch by emailing Phineas Harper on phineas@architecturefoundation.org.uk.