All questions should be emailed to the AF by Friday 04 February 2011.
All questions and answers will be made public and posted below.
The AF will not respond to inquiries by telephone or to any entrants on an individual basis.
Entrants must not contact The AF, Better Bankside, any of the project consultants, or any members of the competition Jury during the competition period.
IMPORTANT: If you are shipping a submission from overseas, please make sure to tick the box on the Fed Ex / UPS tax invoice agreeing to pay tax on the goods yourselves. The AF is not responsible for paying this tax. If this is not ticked, the AF may refuse the submission.
Q: We have a query on the brief document, on point 1.4.1 - Technical. One of the technical requirements reads: Operational off the National Grid. Does this mean that power from the national grid will be used or does it mean it will work independently. Please clarify.
A: This refers to the Bikeshed working independently of the National Grid.
Q: I have recently received an email from Astrium (formerly Infoterra Global Ltd) promoting a call for entries for the Bankside BikeShed Competition. The email is also advertising an 80% reduction on a 'Skape Building Licence'. The email reads like spam, please can you advise whether this is legitimate?
A: No, the services of Infoterra Global are in no way affiliated with or endorsed by the AF.
Q: The download for appendix 6.2 Bankside Urban Forest Framework seems to be just a cover sheet? Is there more to this document?
A: Yes, the Bankside Urban Forest Framework document has now been re-uploaded here.
Q: Does the description for cycles to be 'stored securely day and night' mean there is a requirement for a higher level of security than cyclists using their own locks to secure bikes - within a publicly accessible structure?
A: Yes, provisions should be made for a higher level of security than cyclists using their own locks to secure bikes.
Q: I'm the Design Principal of an Italian Architecture Company. I'd like to take part to the competition. Since I'm not part of the RIBA, would it be possible for me or not?
A: Yes it is possible, international entries will be accepted with proof of qualification.
Q: Is there a preference for the bike shed to consist of one communal space, or alternatively individually accessed ‘lockers'?
A: There is no preference, this is open to interpretation.
Q: Is there any notion as yet of how availability of spaces will be managed/allocated? Is it assumed that there will be some form of electronic system - similar to that used with the ‘boris bikes', such that an individual could pre-book a space for a limited period, or is the preference for a more simple system similar to a coin operated locker system for example?
A: This is open to interpretation.
Q: Is it envisaged that the scheme be a profit-making endeavour or simply an additional amenity to make Bankside a more appealing destination?''
A: It is envisaged that the BikeShed will provide a fully fledged, functional service for the safe storage of bikes. It is not anticipated that the BikeShed will produce a profit from its services.
Q: The brief mentions the possibility of advertising opportunities. Can it be assumed that any revenue created by introducing advertising opportunities could in turn be used to supplement the construction budget?
A: No, this should not be assumed.
Q: Submissions must be effected by February 18th. You mean this is the last date for shipping material or the last term of arrival at destination?
A: Submissions should ARRIVE at the Architecture Foundation by 17:00 GMT on Friday 18 February.
Q: I am an architecture student and I do not have professional indemnity insurance, which is required in section 2.10 pg 8,is this needed before we submit our proposals or is this just a consideration that would be need if we are the winning entrant.
A: Professional indemnity insurance is only necessary should you be chosen as the winning entrant.
Q: I have a question about your requirements of two A1 boards for the submission. I am not based in London and for mailing purposes, it would be more simple for me to send to send eight A3 boards, to be assembled in two A1. Is this possible?
A: This is not possible. All submissions must be mounted, submissions must follow the format set out in the brief - 2 X A1 rigid boards. This requirement allows all submissions to be judged fairly. It is also important should the entry be long-listed and therefore exhibited.
Q: Can the same practice/team/individual make more than one entry? (eg if they wanted to propose two very different solutions)
A: Multiple people from one practice may submit different entries. However, only one submission per individual will be accepted.
Q: Do the A1 Boards have to be mounted on actual boards for submission? We are an international group and it would make our life much easier if we could just send them is as rolls - would this be OK?
A: All submissions must be mounted, submissions must follow the format set out in the brief - 2 X A1 rigid boards. This requirement allows all submissions to be judged fairly. It is also important should the entry be long-listed and therefore exhibited.
Q: I have tried to do a site visit to the two sites union street car park and Great Guildford street Potential BikeShed locations but cannot find the site or the ones in the image, are the images recent and if so is it possible to give a better location map or images with some sort of land mark or something?
A: The sites suggested in the brief are for illustrative purposes only and should not not be taken literally. This list is by no means exhaustive and should be used as a guideline only.
Q: We have a query on the brief document, on point 1.4.1 - Technical. One of the technical requirements reads: "Easily moveable using conventional crane vehicles." Could you please give us more informations about the crane vehicles that will be used to move the bikeshed, especially regarding the useable frame dimensions?
A: It is imagined that the crane could be mounted on the back of an HGV. It would be of a similar scale to one used for moving a portaloo, small shipping container or skip.
Q:Is the orientation of the boards required to be portrait or landscape?
A: The boards may be orientated either Landscape or portrait.
Q: We are a practice that would like to submit two entries from two different individuals; can we ship two entries in the same package?
A: Yes they may be shipped together but please make sure to attach the registration forms separately.
Q: Can you confirm whether I need to send in the registration form in before the 16th of February as well as paying on paypal, in addition to submitting my registration form with the boards etc. By the 18th February?
If so do I need to post the registration form to:
The Architecture Foundation
Ground Floor East
136-148 Tooley Street
United Kingdom
A: You must pay the registation fee via paypal before 17:00 GMT on 16 February. The registration form, which will include your paypal transaction ID, should be attached to the boards and submitted before 17:00 GMT on 18 February to the above address
Q: I have a question regarding registration for the Bike Shed competition. It is noted that the deadline for registration AND payment is February 16th. Does our payment serve as the registration portion of that requirement as well, or do we need to mail in a registration form by February 16 as well?
A: The payment serves as your registration, the deadline for payment is 17:00 GMT 16 February. Please include you paypal transaction ID number on your registration form. The registration form should be submitted alongside the boards to the Architecture Foundation by 17:00 GMT on 18 February.
Q: I presume that payment needs to be made by 16 February via your Paypal link (This alone will confirm registration) and the sealed envelope containing the registration form should accompany the A2 boards, Design report and CD to be submitted on 18 February. Am I correct?
A: This is correct.
Q: On the entry form for the Bike Shed Competition. I see a field for a "registration number if applicable". Where do we obtain a registration number, or should be not be concerned if we don't have one? Thanks.
A: If you are not part of a registration body, e.g RIBA/ARB then please leave this blank.
Q: If I send the project from outside UK, using an international delivery service, how can I assure the anonymity of the material? Should I close the two A1, the cd, and the a4 envelope, within an anonymous envelope inside the external delivery package?
A: Please submit the registration form alongside the boards, CD and A4 report. In order to preserve anonymity do not mark the boards/CD/reports in any way. The form will be separated from the submission material prior to the Jury's review.
Supported by Better Bankside and the EU funded Smart Green Business project