Since forming in 2006, the scope of ma0 has expanded in productions, installations and multimedia web sites, in the belief that architecture is a knowledge of means, etymologically, an average between different disciplines and geographies of the area. Hence the title of the exhibition, "Borderlines".
From wall to video interface, the firm is pursuing a reflection on space as a system of rules - a playground - capable of producing reports and change ship between space and population, public and private, interior and exterior, artificial and natural, between the real and virtual.
The exhibition at the British School at Rome was realized with a series of interactive panels which are simple and intuitive. The projects can be viewed by following a chronological or thematic "inside-outside" (outside projects - projects inside). The floor became a major public-colored asphalt playground, where the links between the various projects were marked with keywords and the visitor was asked to leave, as in a guest book, a reflection, its own sign.
Photo: Ma0
The event at the British School at Rome, curated by Marina Engel and Gabriel Mastrigli, is made in collaboration with the Architecture Foundation in London ela PARC-General Directorate for the Quality and Protection of landscape, architecture, and l ' contemporary art from the Ministry of Heritage and Culture of Rome and with the support of John S. Cohen Foundation, London and INARCH Lazio IRFE Color Srl, EUROMETAL Srl Carpentry and Craftsmanship Mattei.