04:45pm, Friday, 26 April 2019
05:45pm, Friday, 26 April 2019
University of Westminster
Hogg Lecture Theatre
Marylebone Campus
35 Marylebone Road
Students can register for discounted tickets above
As part of the 2019 Association of Architectural Educators conference the Architecture Foundation is hosting a discussion to highlight a number of innovative new models of teaching and learning happening both within and parallel to schools of architecture.
The topic is directly related to two projects that we have instigated over the past three years to actively help facilitate and foster conversations between schools. The first is our Schools Database, a free web-resource that can host information about schools of architecture, their briefs and also act as an online archive of student work, whilst the second is our Megacrits programme which utilises the Database to organise day-long crits between students and tutors from different schools under a single theme. The Megacrits have proved very successful and we have helped to instigate these at RCA, LSA, University of Westminster, the Cass and CSM.
These two projects offer new models of shared learning by providing a critique of the insular, defensive and hermetic tendencies of traditional architectural education. We recognise that we are not the first or only group proposing new formats for learning/ teaching architecture and would like to use this conference to highlight our projects as part of a series of models being tested and developed currently.
Susanne Tutsch, Director at ERECT Architecture
Thomas Randall-Page - Architectural Designer and 2018 Antepavilion winner
Rosie Gibbs Stevenson - President of MASS student architecture society at The Cass
Chair: Chloe Spiby Loh, The Architecture Foundation