We Made That – The Open Office: Final Week

The Open Office, We Made That's new and lively practice for urbanism, enters its final days of exhibition in The AF Project Space this week with an exploration of the Southall industrial area asking 'How can neighbourhood planning support diverse economies?'. 

With an aim of providing an approachable and dynamic forum for public discussions about cities, planning, architecture and communities, The Open Office has been conducting weekly research projects focusing on specific areas of London, as well as offering general advice to the public. Over the show's first four weeks, The Open Office team (comprising We Made That and a number of specially recruited volunteers) have studied diverse areas including Chatsworth RoadCroydon urban centreBankside business area, and Somerstown

The exhibition – open from Tuesday to Friday, 12-6pm this week –  will culminate on Friday lunchtime with a final Pin-up event, offering those who haven't yet seen the show, or want to visit it again in a new context, the perfect opportunity. 

Friday Pin Up events are free and open to all (no need to RSVP).

We Made That will also be reflecting upon the project in a special public lecture on Wednesday (20 March), chaired by the Guardian's Oliver Wainwright.

This event is now fully booked - a small amount of return tickets may be available on the night. 

Image: Friday Pin Up: Croydon urban centre