Award for boosting high street vitality goes to 'New Windows on Willesden Green'

Industry experts have voted New Windows on Willesden Green, for which The AF was lead consultant, as the winner of the 2012 Regeneration & Renewal award for boosting high street vitality. The project has been deemed to successfully revive the local high street, improving the environmental quality of the area, and social well being of the community.

Designers worked with existing shopkeepers and offered their advice on how to improve window displays. Together they created a dynamic street-sized advent calendar comprising of 25 retailers, where each day in the lead up to Chistmas 2011, a new shop window was opened.

New Windows in Willesden Green was a GLA Outer London Fund project, delivered in partnership with The Architecture Foundation, Brent Council, Blue Consulting, Meanwhile Space, and 00:/


Image: NWoWG Pilot Shop, courtesy Mike Massaro