New Architects: Denmark_UK: Practices Announced

The Architecture Foundation, along with partner the Danish Architecture Centre (Copenhagen), is delighted to announce a new exchange programme for talented emerging architects between the UK and Denmark, scheduled to take place in February and March 2012.

Identified through an expert nomination process, the practices chosen to take part in the exchange programme are:

From the UK

Duggan Morris                                 
Slider Studio                                    

From Denmark

Arkitekt Claus H. Pryds
Prakis Arkitekter 
The Winter Office  

The exchange will focus on the theme, Cities and Integration, exploring ways in which architecture can address the social and spatial needs of culturally and demographically dynamic populations through case studies in both London and Copenhagen.

A public lecture will take place in Copenhagen and in London on 27 February and 20 March 2012 respectively.

The exchange follows on from successful Architecture Foundation New Architects programmes in Italy, Turkey, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Australia and most recently Finland.

The New Architects Denmark_UK Exchange is supported by: Realdania, Statens Kunsfonds Arkitekturudvalg, Dreyers Fond, The Danish Embassy and is part of the EU Presidency Cultural Programme  

For more information on the exchange please click here. To book tickets for the lecture at The Architecture Foundation on 20 March 2012, please click here.