Wild Play Workshops at Three Mills Green

Things are moving swiftly on the site of the 'Wild Kingdom', a new permanent playspace on Three Mills Green, commissioned through a competition organised by The Architecture Foundation on behalf of a collaborative partnership comprised of The Legacy List charity, The London Legacy Development Corporation (formerly the The Olympic Park Legacy Company), and the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority.

A team pairing We Made That and Free Play were chosen by a high-profile jury including Neil Porter, Director, Gustafson Porter; Sarah Weir, Chief Executive, The Legacy List; Eleanor Fawcett Head of Design, OPLC; Rob Cairns, Head of Environmental Design, LVRPA; Sharon Cox, Early Intervention, Play Manager, LB Newham; and play expert Tim Gill, Writer/Researcher, Rethinking Childhood.

Construction of the natural playspace, which will provide local young people with opportunities for access to nature, and exciting and challenging play is due to start in May, and to be completed by July 2012, with planting starting on site in the next few weeks.

A series of 'Wild Play Workshops' also launched on site this week, run by local playworkers, and included activities such as den-building, playing in the trees, and exploring the park. More workshops will be running before, during, and after the construction of the playspace and are open to all. Keep an eye on the website for further details.