Meet the Animal Clients: Birds, Bees & Bats

inmidtown and The Architecture Foundation are collaborating with Fritz Haeg and Arup's Phase 2 Gallery to produce an event to Meet the Animal Clients featured in the inmidtown Habitats competition, this Thursday 13 October from 6 - 8.30pm.

(The event is free, but please RSVP to

As part of the Animal Estates London HQ: Urban Wildlife Client Services exhibition running from 13 October 2011 - 20 January 2012 at Arup's Phase 2 Gallery , local animal experts will make short presentations about Birds (Swifts and Swallows), Bees and Bats in response to the questions below: 

  • How did the 'animal client' live on the land of London before human habitation?
  • What can we do or design for London today to welcome the 'animal client' back?
Presentations by local animal experts at 7.00pm
Kelly Gunnell, Bats

Kelly Gunnell works for the Bat Conservation Trust as the Built Environment Officer with the remit to facilitate solutions for bat conservation in the construction sector and urban areas.

Richard Jones, Bees

Entomologist Richard Jones has been fascinated by wildlife since a childhood exploring the South Downs and Sussex Weald; he now carries out invertebrate surveys, and writes about insects for BBC Wildlife Magazine and Gardeners’ World.

Peter Holden, Swifts and House Sparrows

A senior RSPB manager for over 40 years, ornithologist and wildlife expert Peter Holden has written many books on birds, including the RSPB Handbook of British Birds.

This is the opening event for Fritz Haeg's Animal Estates London HQ: Urban Wildlife Client Services in Arup’s gallery space Phase 2. This temporary headquarters will provide a place for activists, architects, artists, city-dwellers, designers, engineers, homeowners, and planners to research, discuss, plan, develop, and present initiatives to accommodate native London 'animal clients’. Projects may range from simple wood nest-boxes that any local resident could construct and strategically install at home, to broad master planning for urban wildlife corridors throughout the city. The space will feature a front reception desk staffed by a full time director with a team of interns, an open area for the evolving display of estate prototypes, work stations about each of the 11 selected native London species, a conference room for meetings and presentations, a resource library, and a place to consult with local urban wildlife experts.

Animal Estates London HQ: Urban Wildlife Client Services runs from 13 October 2011 - 20 January 2012 at ARUP Phase 2, 8 Fitzroy Street, London W1T 4BJ.

They are still looking for:

Experts on each of the 11 animal clients, interested in collaborating and advising
Volunteers to assist in assembling the archival presentation about the 11 species
Donations of books and other relevant printed material for the resource library
Proposals for the space: presentations, seminars, meetings, events, displays...
Stories of your experiences with urban wildlife in the city of London for publication

For More Information email or visit

The event is designed to compliment the inmidtown Habitats competition which calls for design proposals for bee hives, bat/bird boxes and planters for the central inmidtown district (comprising of Bloomsbury, Holborn and St. Giles).  More information can be found here

inmidtown Bee Walk 

You are also reminded that inmidtown will run a local Bee Walk around the area on Wednesday 12th October and on Friday 14th at 1pm which will include a visit to one of their Midtown Buzz hives. They are free and there’s no need to book. Just turn up at the inmidtown information kiosk outside Holborn tube station on the day.