Further details of New Architects: Australia_UK announced

The Architecture Foundation in collaboration with the NSW Architects Registration Board is delighted to announce the practices taking part in the New Architects Exchange: Australia_UK taking place in London from 17 – 21 October 2011.

From Sydney:

Andrew Burns Architect
Scale Architecture
Tribe Studio Architects

From the UK:

Studio Octopi
We Made That 
Studio Meda

The exchange, taking the theme Every Day Extreme, will celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Byera Hadley Travelling Scholarships and aims to identify, exchange and promote the best new architects from both countries through developing networks, dialogue and cultural exchange. 

A public lecture will be held on 20 October 2011 at 6pm giving those in the UK the unique opportunity to gain insight into some of the emerging voices on the Australian architecture scene.

Standard: £5, click here to buy tickets
AF members: Free, please RSVP to members@architecturefoundation.org.uk