Call for Designers: New Windows on Willesden Green

The Architecture Foundation together with its partners is calling for emerging designers, architects and other creative individuals to carry out shop front improvements for local clients in the Willesden area.  Successful design professionals will be paired with existing businesses along Willesden Green High Road working with them to create innovative shop front displays and legacy improvements that will be completed by December 2011.

From November to December a curated series of advent calendar window animations will be installed along the High Road marking the 25 days leading up to Christmas, a new Willesden window opening each day. Designers will be asked to work with local trainee makers in order to realise their designs.

We are keen to hear from interested parties who wish to be part of this exciting project.  If you are keen to apply for this opportunity please download a full brief on our resources page here.

New Windows on Willesden Green is an Outer London Fund project, which is being delivered for Brent Council and Design for London by The Architecture Foundation in collaboration with Meanwhile Space and Blue Consulting. This project is an exciting opportunity to revive and improve Willesden High Road bringing positive change to the area. The project runs from October 2011 to March 2012 and will be delivered in two phases.

The deadline for submitting for this opportunity has passed.  We will be inviting successful candidates for interview and informing them on 9 November.  Due to an overwhelming amount of submissions we are unable to inform unsuccessful applicants.