New Architects: UK Talk at MUDE, Lisbon

Public Presentation:
Weds 15 Sept 2010 7.00pm

Tonight UK Practices Carl Turner Architects, KrausSchoenberg and MA Projects give a public lecture at the Museum of Fashion and Design (MUDE), Lisbon, Portugal. organized by Ordem dos Arquitectos in collaboration with the AF and The British Council, the presentation forms part of the Portugal_UK exchange programme. Currently visiting Lisbon, to coincide with the Lisbon Architecture Triennale -, for a programme of intensive workshops, networking events, this presentation will give insight into the workings of the three practices.

The Portuguese practices will join UK practices in London for the second part of the exchange from 16 -19 November, including a public presentation at the AF.

Thursday 21 October 6.30 - 8.00pm

Museu do Design e da Moda, R. Augusta 241100, Lisboa, Portugal.

Image: Carl Turner, Timm Schoenberg and Rashid Ali visiting
Alvaro Siza's Portuguese Pavilion in Lisbon. 





















Image: Haus W, courtesy KrausSchoenberg