Brief launched for International Architecture Student Festival 2010

The brief for the International Architecture Student Festival is now available to download from the London Festival of Architecture 2010 website. This extended brief gives participating students and universities the tools needed to start working on site-specific installations to be on display during the Festival (19 June - 4 July 2010).

Reflecting the global economic downturn as well as the issues of climate change, the student teams will be asked to respond with creative ingenuity to the theme of 'Reduce, Recycle and Reuse'. Bringing the skills of the post war "make do and mend" approach into the 21st century the IASF is looking for students to combine high quality design with the use of reclaimed objects, recycled materials and reused elements.

The sites that have been identified by the IASF lie in two of the LFA's focus areas, namely the 'Bankside Urban Forest' in Southwark, South London and along 'High Street 2012', which runs between Aldgate and Stratford in East London. Further information on exact locations can be found in the brief.

The IASF will be delivered with the support of ASD Projects, London Metropolitan University and The Architecture Foundation. Should you wish to express an interest in getting involved please email Moira Lascelles.

To download the full brief please click here. For further information visit the London Festival of Architecture 2010.

Image: Just one of the many International Architecture Student Festival sites available to students - Flat Iron Square in Bankside Urban Forest