The third Architecture Student Festival in 2010 will bring together design students from all over the UK and internationally with local communities to create a series of site-specific interventions as part of the London Festival of Architecture 2010.
Reflecting the global economic downturn as well as the issue of climate change, the student teams will be asked to respond with creative ingenuity to these issues in designing their intervention. The result should be a series of unique projects which signpost the LFA 2010 and reflect a sense of place though their intervention. The year-long project introduces local people to architecture and students to the realities of construction, resulting in final pieces that will surprise and delight visitors to LFA 2010.
The Student Festival will be delivered with the support of London Metropolitan University and The Architecture Foundation.
More information here
Image: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne-Tower Bridge Plaza. Overflow, high tide. Studio ALICE © EPFL. 2008